In the presbyterian system, followed by the OPC, each congregation is governed by a session, consisting of elders (“presbyters”), including its minister(s). Each congregation chooses its own elders, who are accountable to local, regional, and national assemblies in a connectional relationship.

Pastor Josh Lyon

Josh received his Masters of Divinity in 2010 from Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and has been shepherding Grace since 2012.

Mike Gregg

Mike has been in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church since 1996 and has been an elder in the OPC since 2008. He appreciates his church family and hopes to continue serving the church for many years to come.

Stephen Kotleba

Stephen has been in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church since 2015 and has been an Elder in the OPC since 2021. Stephen loves teaching the church family at Grace and looks forward to bonding a unity among the believers of the church across the younger and older generations.

Adam Claus

Adam has been a member of an Orthodox Presbyterian Church since 2011 and has been an Elder in the OPC since 2021. He enjoys coming alongside others to help in all ways possible.